

From recreational rider to professional cyclist, 13 years old to 60-something, full-time athlete to working parent, World Championships to Wednesday Night Worlds, Develo Coaching has coached cyclists through all of these. More than a training plan, Develo Coaching is committed to making you a better cyclist through assessment and development of on-the-bike skills and off-the-bike advice to master the challenges of living as a cyclist. 

If you have specific questions or don't even know where to start, please contact Lucas. He's always happy to answer questions or have a conversation to see what you're interested in and how to help you. It might be working with Develo Coaching, finding a different coach that fits your needs, locating a camp, selecting the right equipment, finding a good reference book, or just a pep talk! 

Develo Coaching offers the following services.  

One-on-one, customized coaching

The most "hands-on" coaching includes:

  • Short- and long-term goal setting
  • Annual and race schedule planning
  • Daily workouts with frequent updates
  • Race planning
  • Performance feedback
  • Consultations on training, racing, and nutrition
  • TrainingPeaks premium account

Customizing monthly training plans

Tailored to each rider's goals, abilities, and schedule, this is a good option for athletes who want a custom training plan to focus their efforts. It includes: 

  • Short- and long-term goal setting
  • Annual and race schedule planning
  • Daily workouts planned one month at a time
  • Monthly performance feedback
  • TrainingPeaks premium account


These are focused discussions to help athletes get detailed input, feedback, or analysis on their training or racing. The format is flexible based on a rider's needs, but generally includes an in-depth pre-meeting questionnaire, an hour-long discussion, and a post-meeting summary detailing the key points, resources, and information covered in the discussion. Topics covered in consultations include: 

  • Training: find additional gains in training, improve a self-directed training plan
  • Racing: get your best performances on race days, skills to improve, how to use your energy in a race, mental preparation, strategy and tactics, improving time trial performance
  • Annual review/planning: do a comprehensive assessment of your racing season or plan for the next one
  • Fitness testing: selecting and conducting fitness test(s) that would be most useful for you

Fitness testing

Assess your current fitness, set or update your training zones, monitor your progress over time, or identify strengths and weaknesses to focus on in your training and racing. Develo Coaching has the tools to accurately measure and guide you through one or more tests based on your needs, experience, and goals.

  • Aerobic capacityIncludes setting heart rate and/or power training zones, and establishing functional threshold power (FTP)
  • Anaerobic capacity
  • Maximal power
  • Power profilingMeasure your abilities at a variety of durations to understand what type of rider you are—don't just say, "I'm a sprinter/climber/time trialist"—and where you need to improve.
  • Field-based tests 
  • ConsultationsSelecting and conducting your own fitness testing or finding a facility that can do the testing for you (e.g., power, heart rate, performance, lactate, VO2max)

Note: Lucas has experience doing lactate testing but has chosen not to offer it. Power testing provides more accurate, descriptive, affordable, timely, and reliable information, making it a better test for the vast majority of beginner to pro cyclists. Similarly, VO2max testing is usually expensive and provides little actionable information for athletes ... but it is interesting! If either of these would benefit you, Lucas can advise you on finding a quality testing center. 

Please contact Lucas to schedule fitness testing or consultation, or to identify what testing would be most useful for you based on your goals, fitness, training status, experience, and tools.